2008- 2016 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 获博士学位
2004- 2008 南京农业大学生命科学学院理科基地 获学士学位
2022- 至今 重庆医科大学 脑科学与脑疾病研究院 特聘副教授
2016- 2021 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校/药学院 博士后
1.Liu, C., Jursa, T., Aschner, M., Smith, D.R., and Mukhopadhyay, S. (2021). Up-regulation of the manganese transporter SLC30A10 by hypoxia-inducible factors defines a homeostatic response to manganese toxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2107673118.(NIEHS网站2021年10月份月度推荐文章https://factor.niehs.nih.gov/2021/10/papers/dert/index.htm#a1)
2. Pang, Q.,Liu, C., Qiao, Y., Zhao, J., Lam, S.M., Mei, M., Shui, G., Bao, S., and Li, Q. (2021). GM130 regulates pulmonary surfactant protein secretion in alveolar type II cells. Science China Life Sciences, 1-13.
3. Taylor, C.A.*, Hutchens, S.*,Liu, C., Jursa, T., Shawlot, W., Aschner, M., Smith, D.R., and Mukhopadhyay, S. (2019). SLC30A10 transporter in the digestive system regulates brain manganese under basal conditions while brain SLC30A10 protects against neurotoxicity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 294, 1860-1876.
4.Liu, C., Hutchens, S., Jursa, T., Shawlot, W., Polishchuk, E.V., Polishchuk, R.S., Dray, B.K., Gore, A.C., Aschner, M., Smith, D.R. and Mukhopadhyay, S. (2017). Hypothyroidism induced by loss of the manganese efflux transporter SLC30A10 may be explained by reduced thyroxine production. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292, 16605-16615.
5. Hutchens, S.,Liu, C., Jursa, T., Shawlot, W., Chaffee, B.K., Yin, W., Gore, A.C., Aschner, M., Smith, D.R., and Mukhopadhyay, S. (2017). Deficiency in the manganese efflux transporter SLC30A10 induces severe hypothyroidism in mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292, 9760-9773.
6. Han, F.,Liu, C., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Zhou, Y., Qin, Y., Wang, Y., Duo, S., Cui, X., Bao, S. and Gao, F. (2017). Globozoospermia and lack of acrosome formation in GM130-deficient mice. Cell death & disease 8, e2532.
7.Liu, C.*, Mei, M.*, Li, Q.*, Roboti, P., Pang, Q., Ying, Z., Gao, F., Lowe, M., and Bao, S. (2017). Loss of the golgin GM130 causes Golgi disruption, Purkinje neuron loss, and ataxia in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 346-351. (*Co-first,封面文章)
8. Ying, Z., Mei, M., Zhang, P.,Liu, C., He, H., Gao, F., and Bao, S. (2015). Histone arginine methylation by PRMT7 controls germinal center formation via regulating Bcl6 transcription. Journal of Immunology. 195(4): 1538-47.
9. Wang, Y., Zhu, T., Li, Q.,Liu, C., Han, F., Chen, M., Zhang, L., Cui, X., Qin, Y., Bao, S., et al. (2015). Prmt5 is required for germ cell survival during spermatogenesis in mice. Sci Rep 5, 11031.
10. Wang, Y., Li, Q.,Liu, C., Han, F., Chen, M., Zhang, L., Cui, X., Qin, Y., Bao, S., and Gao, F. (2015). Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (Prmt5) is required for germ cell survival during mouse embryonic development. Biol Reprod 92, 104.